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Woodland Games Jet Slalom Arcade

Hi, I am M16. I have a lot of fond memories from my childhood from playing on a gaming website called bonus.com.

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I started playing there in 2004 after seeing another person at the local library also play there. Download bluestacks emulator for mac. The site lasted til 2007 when it clsoed down. Some of the games have been recovered or reposted around the web.


Woodland Games Jet Slalom Arcade Fire

I am trying to figure out the names of the games I played during my time there, I was wondering if anyone remembered this website. Free mac apps 2018. I saw another thread on google from 2012 (newgrounds) about this same thing.

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Basically the 3 games I remember playing there was a snowboarding game. In this game you jumped over mogals and ramps and every time you jumped it would make i guess a power up sound of some sort. It almost reminded me of cubefield.

The second game is harder to describe. Basically it was an alien spaceship game where you piloted alien aircraft and destroyed other aircraft who where played by cpu. You did not fly in space, you flew usually in a confined map area with a few buildings. There were different types of ships to select from, you could boost away by pressing the space bar. It really reminded me of A crappy version of halo 3. The ships almost seemed to have the mechanics of banchees, the map also looked like the halo 3 map sandbox. There wasn't any defined game commentary/story mode, you jsut did randon missions that consisted of killing different ships. You couldn't leave the aircraft you piloted, so there was no FPS. If you blew up, you could respawn with a different type of aircraft.

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Jet Slalom Arcade Game

The third game was basically a 2d scroller. You started off in a dungeon and you had to keep going lower. The lower you went your knight could get powerups and different gear. Windows xp on android. Eventually you fight the final boss, thats really all i remember.

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Good luck trying to figure out what these games were from a 9 year old description from a website that no longer exists xD

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